High Speed Hardware Designs
FPGA Based systems require a good understand of Hardware Design, Board Layout, Board BringUp and Test Code Development. Our hardware team has the right kind of expertise to bring FPGA based systems to life. We typically create the initial protoypes on development boards and development platforms. That way the initial Proof of Concept is in place before the actual PCB design and Layout Process Starts. Once the PoC is complete the actual hardware implementation can start. Such systems are typically created when the tasks are too overwhelming for CPUs and processing / execution speed is a constraint. Consulting Services around FPGA based design, Memory (DDRx) Interfacing, Peripheral and Transciever Interfacing, Pin Mapping, Board Layout Constraint Analysis and Implementation is done in the Hardware Design Phase.
IP Core Development
Some solutions require CPLD / FPGA based implementations as stand alone systems OR Microcontroller interfaced FPGAs. The FPGAs typically have stand-alone IP Cores or have a Controller Core that is used to program Embedded Software. VHDL / Verilog is the Hardware Description language of choice for Development and / or Verification. Reconfigurability and High Speed Processing makes FPGAs the preferred choice for many applications – Industrial Controls, Image Processing, Motor Control. We have used Logic Devices from Altera, Xilinx, Actel and Atmel to create Logicware based solutions. Functional Analysis, Timing analysis, Communication Testing and Overall System Level Testing is what we undertake to deliver quality products in a cost-effective manner.