Custom IoT solutions are required in almost every application these days. The components of an end-to-end IoT Solution are:
Node Connectivity:
- These are sensors, actuators and field connected devices that are used to collect data (analog and digital) from the field and also control the field devices as per user or algorithm inputs. These devices are connected to the field on one side and the Gateways or Aggregators on the other.
Gateways / Aggregators:
- These devices receive data from field devices using wired or wireless connectivity. Wired connectivity is typically Serial (RS232 / RS485), USB, LoRa, Proprietary Wireless, Digital IO interfaces, Ethernet. The have a local storage, display, connectivity to the cloud using a wired or a wireless connection. Typical physical cloud interfaces are Ethernet, WiFi (2.4GHz / 5 GHz), GPRS (2G/4G) etc.
Cloud / On-Premise IoT Platform
- There are multiple Off the shelf IoT platforms that can be used to send the data from the gateway to the Cloud Platform over HTTP(s), MQTT(s), Proprietary protocols.
Web / Phone Applications
- Using APIs from the Cloud Platform business specific web / phone applications can be created to serve the use cases for a particular project.

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